Saturday, June 4, 2011

Deutoronomy 6:7-9

"You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" (Deuteronomy 6:7-9).

I'm devoted to teaching my children about living for Christ, and sharing the love of Jesus with others.  My mother gave us a TON of Bible study books, and I've been trying to go through them all, and learn more myself.  I want my children to be compassionate, caring, selfless, loving, forgiving, and Godly. 
Tomorrow, our two oldest daughters will be baptized.  They have shown such excitement and want EVERYONE to know.  I ordered a shipment of Pocket Testaments for them to share with their friends, and they can't wait to go back to school to hand them out!  I don't want them to be afraid to share the Gospel, and I want them to do so with excitement of persecution. 
I've been so excited to have internet access again because there are so many resources that we can look up, and learn from.  One site that I LOVE is the Duggar Family site.  Oh how I long to meet Jim Bob and Michelle, and learn from them.  They inspire me so much.  Another is  We love playing Bible Jeopardy on into the night.
Now, sometimes, life does sidetrack me.  Like, we were doing Bible Study each night, but its SO HARD to get the little ones to bed, and then have laundry and such to do, and THEN get into a Bible Study at 10 or 11pm!  I'm going to try, being that its summer now, to do this during the little one's naptime.  I wish that I had the money and resources for a preschool Bible Study too, but our income is limited.  We have a hard enough time getting my husband back and forth to work.  God provides, this is certain.  I've put my whole trust in Him to take care of us and show me where He wants our family to go from here.  There is a reason He put us here, and there is a purpose for all of our struggle.  Thanking God for the struggle, is the best way to get through it.

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