Monday, June 6, 2011

Today is supposed to be peaceful!

John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me (Jesus) you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

I woke up this morning, expecting a wonderful, peaceful day.  I only have 3 of the five kids for a week, and was SSSOOOO  looking forward to somewhat of a break.

Then.....they woke up.  When I walked in Ruby's room this morning, I ignored the mess all over her floor and went straight for a hug, with the normal "Good morning sunshine!"  No sooner had I said it, that my blood pressure sky rocketed!  I noticed the hard candy, wrapped tightly in her beautiful curls!  No way, no how am I gonna cut off Ruby's curls, so the task began, of slowly unwrapping the sticky, red mess.  After lots of tears (from her, not me!) and lots and lots of shampoo, her hair is the normal golden, curly mane of fairy tales.

THEN there were wasps!  The window in my bathroom decided, on its own, to lean.  I noticed there were wasps nests in the window and have told my husband time and time again to remove them.  He hasnt.  So today was the hardest wasp battle yet.  I tore my bathroom up, all the while screaming at the girls to stay on the other side of the door!  Finally, it landed on the leaning window.......I took a broom to the window, killing the wasp, but knocking the whole window frame OFF THE WALL, exposing the nests.  (Needless to say, this has already been a long morning!) Ash and I TAPED the window back to the wall, to wait on Daddy to get home to help.

Of course no frustrating morning is complete without Cecily.  This child is 5 going on 16, with an attitude that irritates me more than fingernails on a chalk board!  And to add to it, she LOVES irritating me.  Smearing jelly into the carpet, decorating her baby sister with markers, peeling the paint off of my newly painted name it.

I LOVE my children so much, and I understand that they are disguise!  I've had a hard time understanding frustration today, and I've done a lot of begging God to help me.  But I've noticed that maybe, just maybe, God already knows that I dont need help.  I should be thankful for what I DO have, and not constantly complaining about the kids misbehavior.  I'm thankful that I have my healthy, rambunctious children, and I'm happy that God is trusting me with them.  What's the quote "what doesnt kill us makes us stronger".  Well, they havent killed me......yet.

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