Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Has my voice become inaudible?!

I am desperate to be a good mother, AND a good servant to the Lord.  But I'm struggling with the time issue, between the two.

I'm stuck in a trailor, day in and day out, with 5 children who have seemingly become immune to my voice.  People seem to think that I'm a little overwhelming myself, and that I just complain about the kids too much.  That is partially not true.  I am overwhelming myself, because I am a little OCD when it comes to organization and order.  But, I would desperately love someone else to take a walk in my shoes COMPLETELY for 24 hours.  Know what its like to wake up arguing with one or more of the kids over something piddly.  To fight with my husband over discipline and necessities.  ( He seems to think lottery tickets are more important that shampoo )  To have to follow the little ones CONSTANTLY and clean up their trail, because once children are mobile, they leave trails of food, crayons, torn paper, and occasionally unidentifiable stuff I would rather not discuss!  To have to answer to the landlord, bill collectors, school counselors, all by myself, and even make my husband sound good to them all!

You know, sometimes, I believe what would help, is just a friendly visit.  But I don't get those anymore, either.  Mainly because my house is so chaotic, noone wants to come around.  So, I sigh alot, and daydream.  I talk to God like He's right here in the room with me, but I even wonder if He gets aggravated at the insueing chaos in my household on a daily basis.

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