Friday, June 24, 2011

Proverbs 3:5-6

~Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path~

Lets break it down:
1. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.    In everything that you do, think, say, decide, wish HIM to handle it.  This part is harder than it sounds.  Trust is a big thing.  Think of relationships, and significant others.  We have a hard time, nowadays, trusting them.  If they don't answer the phone.  If they work late.  If they act funny to us.  Trusting is a difficult thing.  So when it comes to TRUSTING the Lord, it takes some self discipline, some understanding, and lots of learning about Him.  And trusting Him with EVERYTHING.  Just letting go and letting God.  Once you come to the deep, meaningful relationship with Him, and you realize He is always there, and always has your best interest in mind, its a whole lot easier to hand your heart over to Him.

2. And lean not on your own understanding.  The things that we are raised to understand, believe, have faith in, may not always be right.  This world has clouded man's mind and heart so much, that we wanna believe we've got it all under control.  We definitely don't.  My life has been such a roller coaster, when I've tried to do things the way that I see fit.  Its been all about me, and what I want.  When making decisions, I never once thought about Jesus, or what God may have in store for me, and now I see where that got me.  But in the struggle, coming back up the hill of that roller coaster, God has shown me that there is bigger and better purpose in my life.  There is more than what the world understands.  This goes right back to trusting Him with it all.  Just keep going in His direction, because it leads to His will, and straight to HIM.

3. In all your ways, acknowledge Him.   Exactly what it says.  In every breathe you take, every movement, every act, every motion and emotion, acknowledge that He is Lord.  Now, since I've come to a better understanding of the Word, and of God and my relationship with Him, when I have a decision to make, what matters to me, is if it is glorifying to the One who died for ME.  Jesus died for ME.  This is personal.  Now, who would I be to say "okay, God, your Son laid down His life for me, but I don't wanna live or do anything with Him on my mind"  NO WAY.  That's all that matters now.  I do catch myself thinking, before I talk to the kids, or argue with my husband, or even type online, "God sees this, and how would this effect my relationship with my Lord?"  "Does this glorify His presence?" "Will what I say effect someone else's relationship with Him?"  In EVERYTHING  acknowledge the fact that if it weren't for Him, your entire life would be completely different, if at all!  Thank Him for everything; good times, bad times, rewards and struggles.  Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
4. And HE shall direct your paths.  The finale.  If you TRUST in Him with everything, GIVE Him your whole heart and understanding, ACKNOWLEDGE Him, and glorify Him with everything that you do, THEN He will make your path straight, and lead you where He wants you to be!  The path may not be easy, but the reward of a close relationship with Him, the Creator of the universe, the Savior of all mankind, the KING OF KINGS........ is well worth it.

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