Saturday, June 4, 2011


So, today is Saturday.  Really?  Already?  It seems like its been a long week, being stuck in this trailor with all of these kids!  School was out last week, and I'm already counting down the days until they go back!  We are stuck here, for the summer, since my van decided it was tired of all of our crap!  Now we have no vehicle, and 5 kids to entertain.....lovely.  But, least I'm saving money on (no) car insurance, right?

So, I've been potty training Ruby.  She was actually completely potty trained....for 1 week!  Then she decided she still wanted to wear diapers, and the "accidents" began.  Well, as if that wasn't hard enough, my wonderful, compassionate, loving husband, decided to bring home a new puppy for me to house train, also!  Men.....*shaking head*.  They never stop to think.

Tomorrow our two oldest girls are getting baptized.  I am SO happy, and proud of them, though this is bittersweet, as Ashlyn (our oldest girl) wanted Pastor Phil Kelley to baptize her.  Unfortunately, he resigned and moved to Kansas, all the while not knowing that Ashlyn had even requested being baptized!  Things happen for a reason though, right?

My beautiful cousin, Tara, gave birth yesterday to Taygen Nicolas.  He was 7 lbs 5 oz, and 21 1/4 in.  He's having a little trouble breathing, so the doctors are keeping him on oxygen, and doing some tests on his heart this morning.  I'm praying that everything will be okay, but I know that it will.  I'm mostly praying for Tara, who I know is really emotional and confused right now.

Well, this will conclude my first post, as I have some children to tend to. 

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